
The Instructive Trail Montace

Montace On the south slopes rising towards Dobrošov there is a large wood called Montace.Its area is about 104 hectares and presents almost ideal space for meeting leasure time demands of inhabitants in abeyance with the forest economy. There are many lovely quiet corners there tempting the visitors to have a rest. At the same time it is the valuable source of timber and also the hiding place for variant animal kingdom.To reach the place takes less than 20 minutes walk from the main square. There are five instructive boards within Montace wood for easy orientation of visitors. Each of them shows a different topic related to Montace wood, so that the visitors are offered the recreation as well as the education.

Natural attractions

There is an old lime in Borová, designated as a memorable tree in 1981. The estimated age of this, still vegetating unique creation of nature is more than 500 years. Another memorable limetree, about 250 years old is in Vysokov.

The marshy meadows with spring water sources on the bound of Česká Čermná is above all the botanical locality with many valuable kinds of plants. The Peklo (Hell) Valley along the rivers Metuje and Olešenka is the nature reserve between Náchod and Nové Město nad Metují. Many kinds of insects, reptiles, birds and wild animals can be find there.

The Instructive Trail DDM Déčko

DDM Déčko The house of children and youth Déčko is placed in the original villa of family Bartoň-Dobenín. The building in the Art Deco style was built in 1929 as a remarkable project of the architect Pavel Janák. It is the national monument, now.

There is a large, well-kept park around,with sand pools, swings, climbing poles for chuildren and a playground, permanent open to public. There is the tea-room here as well as the "Poklop" youth club. Déčko offers many leisure time activities. The hobby groups of children, youth and adults meet here . There are cultural and social events, performances and summer camps prepared by the staff. The exhibition of snakes and exotic animals is the point of interest here. It is possible to accommodate groups of visitors during the main season.

The outstanding event organized by Déčko is undoubtedly the "Prima Season Festival" in May.

Religious sculptures in the centre

The Town Hall No. 1 located in the upper part of the main square was built after the design of Carlo Lurago in the mid 17th century. At its corner there is a 17th century pillory, which is a valuable monument of the town rights.

There are also religious sculptures in the square - in the upper part there is the sandstone sculpture of The Holy Trinity, Jan Nepomuk sculpture, the Calvary statuary next to the church - all of them from the 18th century and in the lower part of the square The St. Mary column from 1695. Around the square there are some relics of the medieval fortification - town walls here.

The Instructive Trail 1866 War

He who tours the area between Náchod and Hradec Králové can't leave without notice dozens of graves and monuments from the Prussian-Austrian War in 1866. Most of them are close to these two towns, where the worst battles of this conflict took places.

To the first of them, the "Náchod Battle" is devoted the instructive trail "Náchod-Vysokov-Václavice 1866". It was established within years 1996-1998 , by the Military History Club Náchod - the 6th battalion of special infantry in collaboration with municipal offices in Náchod, Kramolna, Vysokov and Provodov-Šonov. The instructive trail takes the visitors to the most significant places, where the battle of Náchod took place on 27th June, 1866.

There are nine instructive boards on the way. The trail itself measures 8,5 km, starting at Náchod castle it follows marked, harden tourist paths and ends at the railway station of Václavice. The trail leads through unpresuming, rolling landscape, easy for walking as well as for cycling all the year round. As a part of "Náchod-Josefov Cycling Route" the trail is planned to be prolonged to Hradec Králové, where there the decisive battle of the conflict took place on 3rd July, 1866.

1866 War

The military cemetery in the castle alley contains the remains of war dead from Prussian-Austrian war. On 27th June, 1866 the battle of Náchod took place on Branka Hill between Austrian and Prussian armies. The battle was part of a larger conflict on holding power in Europe. The Austrian army lost in this battle 5719 men, while the victorious Prussians lost only 1222 soldiers. The war dead of both sides, who died in military hospitals in Náchod were buried in the military cemetary at the bottom of castle alley and in the tow cemetery in Staré Město suburb. There are many small monuments in the surroundings of Náchod, built by the soldiers'families, one bigger monument is near the road to Nové Město nad Metují, another, with the statue of special infantry soldier is close to the village called Vysokov.